Al-ddalie .. The coup militia bombarded the villages of Morees

08 - يوليو - 2017 , السبت 09:05 مسائا
1990 مشاهدة | لا يوجد تعليقات
الرئيسيةأخبار الضالع ⇐ Al-ddalie .. The coup militia bombarded the villages of Morees

Al - DAalienews- Ahmed AL_Dhehiany

The militia shelled Saturday afternoon with Katyusha rockets in residential neighborhoods in the villages of Maris, north of Dalea province.
Local sources and local residents told to Al-DDalienews that the coup militia stationed in the village of AL-Erfaf south of Damit was indiscriminately bombarded with Katyusha rockets on residential neighborhoods in the village of Farthan, located in the center of Morees district.

The sources added that the shelling did not result in material damage, and wounded the citizens of women and children with fear and panic.
The bombing of the militia stationed in Damet comes on the villages of Morees in response to the National Army's response to it and preventing it from advancing towards the area of ​​Maris and causing heavy losses in lives and equipment

الضالع نيوز/الضالع تعرض ثلاثة أطفال لإصابات متفرقة مساء اليوم الثلاثاء جراء إنفجار مقذوف من بقايا مليشيا حوثي في منطقة حجر شمال محافظة الضالع، نقلوا على إثرها إلى مستشفى زايد الميداني سناح . وقال مدير مستشفى زايد الميداني الدكتور سميح حزام، إن قسم الطوارىء استقبل الأطفال وهم يعانون من الإصابة تتمة

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