Awareness Center for Media and human rights carried out a protest demanding the release of journalist Imran and the rest of the detainees

07 - ديسمبر - 2016 , الأربعاء 07:38 مسائا
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الرئيسيةأخبار الضالع ⇐ Awareness Center for Media and human rights carried out a protest demanding the release of journalist Imran and the rest of the detainees

Awareness Center for Media and human rights carried out a protest demanding the release of journalist Imran and the rest of the detainees
Dali News-special
Awareness Center for Media and human rights Carried out in the city of Qattabh in Addalea province morning a protest of solidarity for the release of the abducted journalist Abdul Khaliq Amran in the Houthis prisons

Protesters demanded quickly release of journalist Abdul Khaliq Amran, who was tortured in prison until Houthis injured the spine.

The protesters condemned in the protest do Houthis torturing detainees and abductees in its prisons.

And the protest demanded quickly rescue the journalist Abdul Khaliq Amran, who are exposed to brutal torture by militias coup has caused his health condition deterioration so badly

The protesters called on press freedoms and human rights organizations, especially the work on his release and his colleagues abductors..

The protesters strongly condemned the crimes carried out by the militia against fellow journalists since their abduction and book their freedom and depriving them of their most basic rights and even the practice of various shapes and forms of psychological and physical torture.

And called awareness of Center for Media and human rights all liberals of the world, the United Nations and human rights organizations for the release of kidnapped journalists of the among the private prisons of death after the escalation of the size of the deaths of the the others abductees under torture..

الضالع نيوز/الضالع تعرض ثلاثة أطفال لإصابات متفرقة مساء اليوم الثلاثاء جراء إنفجار مقذوف من بقايا مليشيا حوثي في منطقة حجر شمال محافظة الضالع، نقلوا على إثرها إلى مستشفى زايد الميداني سناح . وقال مدير مستشفى زايد الميداني الدكتور سميح حزام، إن قسم الطوارىء استقبل الأطفال وهم يعانون من الإصابة تتمة

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